Friday, December 23

 Happy Birthday Teddy!!

We woke up this morning and got ready to go to Sea World! Unfortunately Drew's plane to San Diego didn't go because of weather so they sent him to Las Vegas- where his flight was then cancelled. He should be arriving at 11:15pm tonight.

After some birthday pancakes we headed to SeaWorld. We arrived a bit after it opened, but it still wasn't overly busy. We forgot the stroller, so Rocky had to walk all throughout the park today. We saw a bunch of shows including the sea lions, otters, dolphins and orcas. 

We headed toward Sesame Street World rather early to try to beat some of the lines for Teddy and Rocky. On the way we went to the Ice Breaker rollercoaster because there was no line. It was incredibly smooth! The boys always enjoy creating little monsters and seeing them appear in the window. After a picture with Elmo and a few more rides we got some chicken tenders and headed to the orca show.

It was starting to get cold with the cold front coming in and was starting to get uncomfortable for the boys so we headed back to the main entrance to get some overpriced sweatshirts. The sweet worker gave us her discount and our $150 bill turned into $90 and the kids and I got new sweatshirts. 

Rocky was a hoot because he created a "pose" that he performed all day when we took pictures which included sticking his knee out and posing.

We then headed to the sting ray lagoon and looked at sea turtles, manatees and dolphins. We were going to go to the penguins but the line was long so we skipped it and went to more shows. 

Rocky and Teddy really wanted to do more rides so we headed back to Sesame Street for some more rides. We stopped at the Glacier Bar where I got a "glacier" and they had edible straws. The nice bartender gave Teddy some edible straws for his birthday.

Rocky and Teddy went on the train while Dad, Thom and I held seats for the parade. It was a cute parade- they got all the floats out, did some dancing and then finished the parade. 

We decided to leave after the parade and go to Chili's for dinner. They even sang to Teddy for his birthday! 

After a quick trip to Aldi's we came back to the condo and relaxed.

Unfortunately, Drew called about 9 and said his flight from Charlotte to Orlando got cancelled. There was another flight later, but there were a lot of people on standby, so he went to the Tampa flight and asked to get on that one. He was able to join that flight and so now Mom, Dad and Thom are on their way to Tampa to get Drew. 

Tonight I asked Teddy to tell me 6 things about him because he is 6 years old. He said:

1. I am very kind.

2. I love my family a lot.

3. I am very smart.

4. I care about others.

5. I treat things nicely that I get. 

6. I care about everything I get.

When he is six years old he hopes to go onto bigger stuff and go onto bigger technology. 

It was a great day! We had a great time at Sea World and celebrating Teddy!


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