Thursday, December 22

The trip actually began yesterday on the 21st. With the "bomb cyclone" coming and blizzard conditions we decided to head to mom's on Wednesday afternoon.  Thankfully we were dismissed from school at noon so we were able to get home and get everything finished up at home to be able to go.  We decided to take both vehicles because we wanted the truck just in case the roads were bad so we could put it in 4 wheel drive. Thom took the boys in the truck while I took the dogs in the van.  The snow had started to fall when we left about 3:45. We drove cautiously on the interstate, going under the speed limit, before heading our separate ways in Des Moines. 

Thom took the boys to mom's and I continued to petco and Laurie and Lynn's. The dogs were so excited about the snow and to see Laurie and Lynn. After leaving I picked up Northern Lights pizza before heading back to Mom's. The roads were getting bad by this point so I was happy to get back to Mom's. 

The pizza was delicious and we enjoyed watching tv and just relaxing. Teddy and Rocky slept in my old room and then Rocky snuck into my bed. 

This morning we woke up and the roads were bad. Thom shoveled and we got ready to go to the airport. We wanted to get to the airport in good time to get parked and through security. When we made it to the airport the shuttle saw us pull in and waited for us by where we parked for us to get in.  We got dropped off with ease and the airport was practically empty! We got through security in just a few minutes and decided to get some breakfast before heading to the gate. 

We were concerned because the flight got delayed 30 minutes and other flights were cancelling, but ours remained at just a 30 minute delay! The wind started to pick up but the Des Moines airport did a great job keeping the runway clear. 

Because we didn't pay for seat assignments we were split up. Rocky and I sat together and Thom and Teddy were supposed to sit across the aisle from each other, however they ended up having 3 seats for the 2 of them. Rocky and I sat with a 6 year old girl. I bought suckers for Rocky for the flight so every time I gave him a sucker I gave her one too.  She was very sweet. 

We got in to MCO with ease and due to Mom and Dad just arriving at the condo we ubered to the condo. When we arrived at the condo I unloaded the suitcase and Mom and I ran to get UNOs pizza.  

Jean, Tom and Cooper came over for pizza and drinks. We had fun chilling in the condo before getting an early night rest. 

Tomorrow is Teddy's birthday and we are headed to Sea World tomorrow morning after Drew arrives!


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